
EOMS – A single order management platform

EOMS – A single order management platform

Business need

Management of orders at different stock points is a critical part of any sales and distribution system. Days are gone, where the customer usually provides the purchase order to stock point and the data entry operator at stock point punches the order in the system, and converts the same to sales order. This system is now replaced with highly efficient integrated supply management system, where the customer electronically generates/transfers purchase order to stock point, which in turn, just converts the same into a sales order and process the sales order.


Amp up the design; amp up analytics; add widgets – The art of revamping your apps

Amp up the design; amp up analytics; add widgets – The art of revamping your apps

A widget is an element of a graphical user interface (GUI) that displays information or provides a specific way for a user to interact with the operating system or an application.

Widgets are an essential aspect of home screen customization. You can imagine them as “at-a-glance” views of an app’s most important data and functionality that is accessible right from the user’s home screen. Users can move widgets across their home screen panels, and, if supported, resize them to tailor the amount of information within a widget to their preference.

Types of Widgets

Information Widgets:

  • Information widgets display a few elements of importance to a user and track how that information changes over time, such as weather or sports scores
  • Tapping the widget launches the associated app into a detail view


Patient Relationship Management – The ultimate solution for connected healthcare

Patient Relationship Management – The ultimate solution for connected healthcare

“They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel” – Maya Angelou

These words are so apt. We all love to be recognized, and your patients appreciate it when you recall what health issues they have, what their children’s names are, what you discussed with them during their previous visit, and where they went for their vacation. This makes them feel like they are so important.

Patient Relationship Management (PRM) represents a healthcare version of customer relationship management (CRM).


Impact of GST on Indian Manufacturing industry

impact of gst on manufacturing industry

The manufacturing sector of any country is a major economic driver for the developing economies across the globe. However, unlike others, India’s manufacturing industry is still scrambling with the others and the performance is been lackluster.

In respite of having favorable demographic and geographic position as an advantage, it has not been able to capitalize. A complex tax structure, inadequate infrastructure, and bureaucracy diminishing its capability to perform well on a global scale engulf the manufacturing sector in India.

As per the sources, the manufacturing industry in India has been close to stagnant for the last two decades with only a 16% share of GDP.However, the manufacturing sector might be revived under the focused efforts of government and by an implementation of GST regime that could even lead to experience a paradigm shift from an agrarian economy to manufacture and service based economy.

For India, becoming a manufacturing hub will need various strategic reformations to simplify the existing system in the country. One of the much-publicized proposed reform “make in India” scheme initiative taken by the government is aligning with the implementation of the goods and service tax (GST).


How sales force automation software enhances the human connection?

How sales force automation software enhances the human connection?

One of the most interesting aspects of working in sales is consistently straddling the line between art and science. As sales has evolved, the “science” part has come to mean more specifically leveraging technology to enhance the process. Sales force automation software has a dramatic impact on the way sales are performed. According to recent study salespeople using an automated solution increased their talk time by 88 percent and had 15 percent higher contact and conversion rates than their peers. Sales automation has indisputably made salespeople more efficient, but some people worry that outsourcing too much to a machine can make sellers impersonal and therefore less convincing for potential buyers.

The danger of a blind reliance on sales force automation software is obvious. If salespeople lean heavily on generic email blasts, for example, they risk frustrating and alienating buyers. They also might become complacent and lose important skills like critical analysis of prospects’ pain points. The true power of sales force automation software lies in harnessing the benefits of automation (science) without losing the advantages of human connection (art). By implementing these solutions strategically, salespeople can not only retain their ability to form relationships with prospects, but also enhance it.
