Order status

Get easy order status with FForce order management system

Order status

Customer orders drive your supply chain. Your business must manage orders and inventory levels efficiently. When customers demand service through multiple channels, order promising, tracking and fulfillment become more complex and intensive. Multiple channels mean customers accessing order status information through phone, fax or email. Frequently different people could answer these inquiries. These channels can lead to inaccurate or outdated information. Order status can be difficult to assess and result in poor customer service.

FForce! Order management system consolidates orders into a single interface for submission, tracking, routing, fulfillment, and order status queries, can help all employees access vital information from a common interface thus ensuring visibility in the entire order management process. And if this visibility is in turn communicated to the customer, it means that the customer has a complete picture of the status of his order until the final delivery.

Accurate customer order status includes managing pending orders by status, accessing orders by customer, purchase order, order or invoice numbers. FForce order management system permits customers to view the status of their open orders through a web browser. An HTML page from the host web site will display in a calendar format outlining the customer PO number and your sales order number and the line item delivery date.

  • Enables delivery status to be accessed automatically without answering a phone call or responding to email
  • Customers access the secure web site with a user name and password to view only their orders
  • A date control on the page allows the user to select specific weeks to view
  • Users can print the delivery status
  • Users can click on a drop-down calendar to change viewing weeks
  • Full security with firewalls to prevent unwanted traffic